Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Prepare a Districtwide Data Analysis Inservice Day

1. Go to

2. Print out the standards for the grade levels & subject areas that each teacher intends to analyze

3. Have teachers gather all available data found on the list from the above blogsite for use with their chosen Core Curriculum Content Standard

4. Repeat this process for each standard that is analyzed:

a. Choose one standard only (e.g., Social Studies - 6.1 - U.S, History: America in the World)

b. Find your Grade level(s) in that standard

c. Find the Content Statements and Cumulative Progress Indicators

d. Cross reference your data to all Content Statements and Cumulative Progress Indicators within your core curriculum content standard

e. Identify the five areas most in need of improvement (minimum)

f. Identify the five areas of greatest strength

g. For those with ASK/HSPA data:
How did the students compare to similar districts?
How did the students compare to the state?
Where do the Cluster Points sections fall into the Core Curriculum Content Standards?
Using the Cluster Point scores, what skills need more/less emphasis next year?

5. Teachers work with and provide feedback to their grade level/subject area peers.

6. Even numbered grade levels: Report your findings to your grade level above yours.

7. Odd numbered grade levels: Report your findings to the grade level above yours.

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